• 1. The school fees should be remitted to the South Indian Bank, Majapra
  • 2. It should be paid in three instalments.
    • Admission fee :
      KG Section : Rs.10,000/-
      Classes : I to X : Rs.8,000/-
      Special Fee : Rs.750/-
    • The school fees should be paid in four installments.

    Class Installments Due Date without fine
    LKG - UKG Rs.5,200 x 4 =Rs.20,800/-

    Class I to IV Rs.5,250x4= Rs.21,000/-

    Class V to X Rs. 5,300x4=Rs.21,200/-
    1st Installment Month of June
    2nd Installment Month of September
    3rd Installment Month of November
    4th Installment Month of January

    After the due date each installment amount has to be paid with a fine of Rs.100/-

    Pre KG Due Date without fine
    Monthly payment 2500x10 = Rs.25,000/- On or before 10th of every month

    BUS Fee

    Bus fees should be paid in four installments. After the due date the amount has to be paid with a fine a fine of Rs.50/- for each installment. The bus fees will vary depending on the distance of the place.

    Installments Due Date without fine
    1st Installment Month of June
    2nd Installment Month of September
    3rd Installment Month of November
    4th Installment Month of January

Fee Regulations

School fees must be paid regularly before the mentioned period. Defaulters will have to pay a fine of Rs. 50/- from the due date. Fees must be paid for the duration which the students admission number is on the rolls. After the fine date the amount should be double Rs. 100/-

Fee Remittance

School fees may be remitted in any branch of South Indian Bank using the prescribed Chalan form which is issued from the office.

Fee remittance may also be made through the internet. Those who wish to do so may approach any branch of South Indian Bank for the opening forms and the fednet application forms allowed to remain absent on the first day of opening and closing days of long breaks or special holidays.

  • 1. Unauthorized absence of more than 15 days will lead to removal from the rolls.
  • 2. Students suffering from contagious diseases will not be permitted to attend school.
  • 3. In case of serious illness the principal must be informed within 5 days and a Doctor’s Certificate submitted.

Online Fee

Facilitates online fee collection for students in Jyothis Central School.

First time users should set password after selecting institution and student ID.

An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile for setting password.

If OTP is not received please contact institution.

Payment can be made either through South Indian Bank or pay U money.

Previous payment receipts can be downloaded, after entering student fee receipt must be retained and produced as proof of payment, if necessary. All fee dues must be cleared before a student is permitted to set for the final examination.